Thursday, 27 February 2025

Latest Dubai Duty Free Job Vacancies

Latest Dubai Duty Free Job Vacancies

Latest Dubai Duty Free Job Vacancies. Dubai Duty Free is currently one of the world's biggest travel retail operator brands, having been founded as long ago as 1983. With an annual sales turnover of around $1.85 billion, this company employs around 6000 people and operates more than 35,4000 square meters of retail space in Dubai's international airport as well as 2500 square meters of space at At Maktoum International airport.

Dubai Duty Free also has its own leisure division including the Jumeirah Creekside Hotel, a tennis stadium, Century Village and the Irish Village. This award winning organization has been awarded with more than 500 accolades and is a prestigious employer to work for. If you want to know more about the latest Dubai duty free job vacancies, read on to find out what you need to know.

Types Of Jobs Are Dubai Duty Free

Although Dubai Duty Free is a major employer, they have a strong internal policy of recruiting for many of their positions from within the organization. This means that there are limited numbers of jobs available to external candidates. The good news is that the available jobs are primarily entry level posts which are ideal for people who are looking for their first employed position. The two available entry level posts are:

Retail Operations Sales Assistant

Warehouse Stores Assistant

There are also some managerial positions available for external applicants, so if you have relevant skills and experience in this field you may want to submit an application.

Benefits of Working For Dubai Duty Free 

There are numerous benefits of becoming an employee of Dubai Duty Free including:

A competitive salary package

Annual tickets

Free transportation in Sharjah and Dubai

A free uniform

Free uniform laundry service

Health insurance

Induction and training

Participation in events and activities sponsored by the company

Ongoing professional development and educational seminars

Performance related growth

Opportunities for internal promotion

Skills And Experience Are Necessary?

If you are interested in applying for the latest Dubai Duty Free job vacancies, most of the roles available are entry level positions. This means that you will only need a reasonable standard of high school education to be able to apply and relevant experience in a similar field is not necessary.

You will, however, have to be smartly presented and keen to work hard, and you will need to have good communication skills as well as interpersonal skills and be able to relate well to customers of all nationalities.

How To Apply Dubai Duty Free Job

Once you have decided to apply for a job with Dubai Duty Free you can click on the appropriate tab and submit your application through the company's own careers portal. We are share below apply link just click on "APPLY NOW" you will redirected to vacant positions.


To do this, you can complete the online registration form with your own personal details as well as uploading a current photograph and an up to date CV outlining any experience and educational qualifications. If there are no current vacancies you can submit an application to join the Dubai Duty Free talent pool.




Last Updated 27 February 2025

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